Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday Funday Bulk Meals

We have a pretty hectic week coming up.
My eldest starts 11th grade on Tuesday. Before we continue, can you hold me while I bawl my eyes out? She was 2 a second ago. Sniff. Not only is school starting, the hubby is going out of town for work for 3 days, which leaves me at home without his help.
Normally, it would have been so easy to just grab some take out, but with my trying this SAHM/Modern Homemaker thing out, I've realized that a big part of saving money is to make food at home. Not only make food, sometimes utilize one item in multiple ways.
So, due to the hectic week, the goal of saving money, and overall healthier choices, I made some bulk meals for the week.
I've decided to share with you the things I made, and touch upon them and give recipes throughout the week.
So here it is:
I boiled chicken thighs and made: 2 quarts of stock, dinner for Sunday, and a tray of enchiladas for the week.
I made a giant pot of albondiga (meatball) soup for 1 dinner during the week and lunches for me and the kid (4 yo).
I made 1.5 cups of rice, more than enough for 2 meals during the week and lunches.
Lastly, blueberry muffins. The eldest loves these muffins and they freeze well. I froze half, so she could grab one, heat it up, and eat on the way to school.
Stay tuned this week for more information!
Also, follow this blog on Instagram: _home_grown_basil_
Hope to see you there!